Zambians For Empowerment And Development



Zambians for Empowerment and Development is a political party in
Zambia Zambia (), officially the Republic of Zambia, is a landlocked country at the crossroads of Central Africa, Central, Southern Africa, Southern and East Africa, although it is typically referred to as being in Southern Africa at its most cent ...


The party was established by
University of Zambia The University of Zambia (UNZA) is a public university located in Lusaka, Zambia. It is Zambia's largest and oldest learning institution. The university was established in 1965 and officially opened to the public on 12 July 1966. The language of ...
lecturer Fred Mutesa in June 2009; it was registered on 9 June and was officially launched on 23 June.New political party formed
Lusaka Times, 23 June 2009 Mutesa was the party's presidential candidate in the 2011 general elections, finishing last in a field of 10 candidates with 0.08% of the vote. In the
National Assembly In politics, a national assembly is either a unicameral legislature, the lower house of a bicameral legislature, or both houses of a bicameral legislature together. In the English language it generally means "an assembly composed of the repre ...
elections it received 0.11% of the vote, failing to win a seat. The party did not contest the 2015 presidential by-election.


2009 establishments in Zambia Political parties established in 2009 Political parties in Zambia Social democratic parties in Zambia {{Zambia-stub